Bid To Help Us Raise Money To Buy Kameron A Wheel Chair Accessible Van!

Businesses and individuals in Winchester and throughout the area have generously donated thousands of dollars in gift cards, products, services and entertainment to the auction. Please put in your best bids and take home some awesome gifts while helping Kameron gets the wheel chair van he needs for getting to all of his appointments!


Raffle Ticket Sales are now closed!

Winner announced tonight at 7:30pm EST!

About Kameron

Twelve-year-old Kam fell 30 feet in downtown Winchester on April 12. He sustained multiple skull fractures, facial fractures, broken vertebrae in his neck, and severe deep brain inury. He remains in a minimal state of conciousness and needs all our thoughts and prayers for healing.

Kameron is an outstanding athlete. He excels in football, basketball and baseball. He has a great sense of humor and a kind, giving heart. He is extremley loved by his friends and family and has a strong support system around him while on his road to recovery.